XCon: A One Day Adventure

I’ve been kind of wanting to go to XCon World since my friend/photographer Joe went last year. The cosplay quality he sent me snaps of were really good, and who doesn’t want to go to a con on the beach? I’m cutting back on the convention time in the next few months because I’m trying to save up the money to take a trip to Ireland in the fall, so a lot of the cons I’ll be attending will be one day visits.

There were multiple purposes to this absurdly long day trip. I wanted to check out XCon, and I also really wanted to shoot on the beach. I didn’t take a camera with me to this con to do vlogging, so this is just a quick blog post to tell you about my experience.



First, I have to give a huge shout out and thank you to Mike Soler of Big Fandom Greenville since he gave me a free pass to get in. It’s the small gestures like this that really make my day, so make sure you check out BFG because they are an awesome new convention coming to Greenville, SC this fall.

Onward with the convention coverage! I have to say I was a little disappointed in this convention. Their website makes it out to be a huge event. I was expecting out of this world cosplay, lots of things to do, and plenty of people to meet; especially since the cosplay contest had thousands of dollars in prizes. This was not what I experienced in the hours I spent at the convention on Saturday. I was happy to get to see some familiar faces at the vendor booths. Lots of people I haven’t gotten to see for a while.

I want people to know that I had no bad experiences at this convention, so I’m not trying to knock their reputation at all. I guess maybe I was just a little disappointed because it didn’t live up to my expectations, and several of my friends stated that it was much smaller than it had been in years past.


Luckily, I got to hang out with my friend Ryan from Daniel Ryan Fotos while at the convention. I through together a closet cosplay for this convention because why not? He was gracious enough to go take some silly photos with me just outside the con. Here is a sneak peak of my Kim Possible.



I didn’t go overboard at this convention because as stated above I am trying to save money. I did manage to snag some really cute t-shirts from Dead Bat Designs. He had so many great designs, but I decided to go with a Khaleesi shirt for myself. I got a deal if I got two shirts, so I bought Josh this Cheshire Cat shirt to match the tattoo he got this week.



Swim Shoot

For a while now I’ve been wanting to do a swimsuit photo shoot to expand my portfolio. This was the main reason that I was willing to drive all the way to Myrtle Beach and back in a day. Spoiler alert! You’ll probably see this swimsuit again since I originally bought it to try to do an original Barbie inspired photo shoot. I really can’t wait to show you the photos from this shoot with Joe’s Studio. Here is a sneak peak. Haha don’t worry I didn’t make stupid faces in every photo, but it just wouldn’t be me if I was 100% serious the entire shoot.


Overall, I had a really fun time Saturday, but I don’t think I’ll be making anymore day visits that are so far away again anytime soon. I didn’t get out of town until almost 11PM, and ended up taking my first 5 Hour Energy in order to get home without crashing on the road. I found out they work, but I really don’t like putting things like that in my body. Lessons learned.

Did anyone else attend a con this past weekend? Where did you go? Tell me about it. Did anyone else attend XCon this weekend? I would love to hear differing opinions on this convention. Did I just completely overlook something truly awesome that would change my entire perspective on this convention? Anyone else taking any beach trips this summer? Leave a comment below, and don’t forget to subscribe via email or Bloglovin’ to never miss a post!


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May 25, 2016 at 11:01 pm

No, no conventions for me. Still planning the UCPL Super Con. I keep missing these events because a) I am working, b) car or something else is in a state of crisis, or c) I don’t have the time or money. I did get some good news- ALL the table space for Super Con is full! So I will get a library con and a major con (Heroes) in this summer. Along with FCBD and looking to Star Wars Reads Day later, not a bad slate of events.

May 26, 2016 at 8:55 am
– In reply to: JOHN

I hope to see you at Heroes on Saturday! I’m cutting back, and only going for a day this year.

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