Con Haul: Captain’s Comic Expo 2016

In case most of you haven’t figured it out based on my other social media pages, this week is mostly going to be me talking about Captain’s Comic Expo. I had such an awesome time attending this convention as a guest this year. I really hope to be able to go again next year. One of the great things about this convention is that it was very heavily artist focused, which means I spent way too much on vendor stuff.

Just check out all the cool stuff Josh and I got! Doesn’t it look so cool all together? After you’re done admiring how beautiful it is you can keep reading to know what all of it is, and where to get your own.


Guest Loot


Something that Mike, owner of Captain’s Comic and Toys did for Shawn and I as guests was provide us with some pretty sweet free loot to take home with us. There was an exclusive comic book cover, and a “VIP” art print of Deadpool that Matt Brooks painted just for this con that they gave to both of us. We also got a beer koozie that I can’t find at the moment, and I’m all about the free t-shirt.

Josh’s Investments


Josh is a better person than Sadie as most of his stuff was bought for other people instead of himself. He bought this fantastic print of Eeveelutions in a giant cuddle puddle by Bianca Roman-Stumpff. There was also Christine Brunson who made fantastic vinyl stickers including the Hello Kitty Toph, Ang, and Korra. The last thing he got for himself was a Jolteon Coaster. Matt Brooks, the same from above, was the artist for the lovely Red Sonja cover on this comic bought for his friend. For another friend he bought a Shawn of the Dead Funko Pop. I was nice enough to buy him a Funko Pop of his spirit animal, Oberyn Martell, and he got me those sweet BB-8 earrings you see pictured as well.

Sadie’s Haul



I also had to get an awesome Hello Korra sticker. You may notice that Matt Brooks was kind of our favorite this weekend. I bought this sweet print of Spider-Gwen from him (He is also sending me a free copy of this print for posing with his art). Since we are on the subject of Spider-Gwen you may as well check out that propaganda poster I got for the living room. I will talk about the shoes in just a second. The 8-bit heart keychain was free for giving Altruistic my email address. Finally, there is this awesome original piece by Ashly Jose of Sailor Moon for my bedroom. She is also working on a Spider-Gwen (yes, shocking) in matching style and color for me.


Check out this awesome photo by City Light Studio.


I’ve never enjoyed a panel as much as the ones from this convention. Even more so because thanks to Agent Simmons knowing his Ninja Turtles trivia he won these sweet Spider-Gwen shoes by Katelyn’s Creations part of Dark Matter Cosplay. Lucky for me, they didn’t fit Shawn or Savannah, so I scored a pretty sweet pair of kicks. Please marvel at them in all their glory.

Have you picked up any sweet loot at cons so far this year? Tell me about it in the comments below! Make sure to subscribe via email for updates straight to your inbox.


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February 23, 2016 at 8:38 am

What does being a guest mean?

February 23, 2016 at 9:00 am
– In reply to: Allison

As a guest, I was invited to attend the convention as a featured cosplayer. We had obligations throughout the day both days of the con. Both days we (myself and Agent Simmons Cosplay) were on stage for photos with the guests. Day 1 we helped “Vanna White” the art auction (all proceeds went to the Low Country Children’s Orphanage), and Day 2 we were judges for the cosplay contest.

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