Cosplay in Croatia

I was doing so well with this Croatia series until I hit a wall, and I mean a literal wall. The walls of the city were beautiful, and I got some stunning photos, but I just didn’t have much to say about them. Therefore I’m moving on. If you even remember we last left off at our Game of Thrones tour, which if you haven’t figured out is the main reason we decided to go on this trip. You didn’t think that I was going to try to cosplay something Game of Thrones while in King’s Landing itself then you don’t know me very well.

Originally, I had really wanted to put together a Cersei Lannister cosplay from the most recent season 6 of Game of Thrones. I have some pretty awesome armor for the dress, but the dress. Oh the dress! I hand painted the pattern on the fabric and everything, but if there was ever a cosplay I’ve attepted that I consider a disaster it is for sure this one. What do you do when you have a wig, but no cosplay in Kings’ Landing? Obviously the only answer is to reenact the Walk of Shame.

The Inspiration

Before you get all excited. No. I did not actually go walking around butt naked through the streets of Dubrovnik. The film crews actually got major frowns from the churches in the city for doing the original. I can’t say I didn’t think about it, but I prefer to stay out of Croatian prison. The two shots below were my inspiration for these photos. They are still iconic shots, but didn’t require a costume or for me to be completely nude.



Getting the Shot

Kendra and I left the apartment a little before 7AM to get to the steps. Our hope was that a city that stays out until almost 5AM every night would still be mostly asleep at 7AM. We were so lucky because we were graced with basically empty streets for about 30 minutes, which was enough time to get the photos I needed.

Now, I actually ended up wearing a strapless bra and tucking the top of my tank top down into it. I knew that this way I would be able to crop the photo to give the appearance of no clothes from the bust up. Kendra was patient, and let me use her as a model for getting the right camera settings. Between a lot of funny faces trying to get Cersei’s demeanor right and some really awkward squatting because I’m too tall we finally got some photos that I could use to edit.

The Edit

Here they are. I’ve been waiting to release these for over 3 months. I’m so excited. They weren’t the photos I had planned, but I’m so happy with them.



Did I do Cersei justice? Do you still want to see me complete one of her gowns? Leave a comment below, and tell me what you think. Don’t forget to subscribe via email or Bloglovin’ to never miss a post!


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Kay Nyman – My Open Sketchbookreply
November 15, 2016 at 10:24 am

You definitely did her justice! Amazing!

November 15, 2016 at 5:02 pm

Hats off to your commitment to such a project! It is so hard to cosplay a character who has actually no costume at all; it all comes down to the wig and the face, you did an amazing job!

November 15, 2016 at 6:41 pm
– In reply to: Nyanla

That is such a huge compliment! Thank you!!

November 15, 2016 at 8:40 pm

Oh my gosh, this is so incredible! I got chills watching this scene and you absolutely captured it perfectly! That is some dedication right there.

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