Cosplay Control

It has come to my attention recently that I have started to go a little overboard with all my cosplans to the point that what was initially exciting is now starting to stress me out. This post is a sort of “action plan” to get myself back in a place where I feel happy again. Maybe it seems crazy that I write posts like this only to end up writing posts later that might be a complete change of heart or just a total change of direction, but if I put it in writing for people to see then I think that having posts like this makes me feel more accountable. The best way I can explain it in simple terms is life happens. Plans change, and sometimes it’s just better to go with the flow than to lose yourself trying to swim upstream.

The Problem

Maybe some of you will remember this Instagram post about my cosplans for 2016? I really tried to pick some projects that I would stick with because I was passionate about them, but we’re already halfway into May. Here I am with none of my planned costumes finished. So what’s the deal? What’s going on?


No Attention Span

A couple of weeks ago I realized that as soon as I would start a costume I would get distracted and start buying stuff for a different one. I started to look at my Cosplanner app and realized I had over 15 costumes on the books with almost half of the year almost over already. I went and I looked at my Pinterest board for cosplay inspiration, and that was almost at 300. Needless to say, while inspiration and ambition is great it can also be a bit of a problem without self control.


Believe it or not, I have a full time job that involves a lot of travel. I also have friends that I like to spend time with outside of my sewing machine. Lately, these seem to take up a lot more of my time than cosplay, and finding a balance hasn’t been very easy.


Mess and Stress

My house, not just my cosplay room, is a disaster zone. I’m embarassed to have people over, and I feel bad when my boyfriend comes home at night because of the mess that I’ve created. That little thing called life has definitely caught up with my hectic lifestyle, and it definitely isn’t something that I can keep up with anymore. I’ve had to set aside cosplay time to have cleaning time because I haven’t managed my personal expectations better.

On top of the mess, I have been dealing with a lot of stress, and after a breakdown Sunday evening I have come to the conclusion that a lot of it is unnecessary. It is ok to have some stress, but the amount that I have created for myself in the past few months is just unreasonable.

The Solution

That’s the big question, right? How do we fix a problem when it feels like things are spiraling out of control? Like I stated above, these blog posts are kind of my way of stepping back and assessing my situation. It allows me time to get things out of my head and work through it. I’ve come up with a few things that I think are really going to help me feel better about my cosplaying in general.


I haven’t been able to even get in my craft room lately because we haven’t put it back together since we painted, but we finally got the TV hung on the wall and the new shoe rack hung up. I’m hoping to have it all back together within the week. This will allow me to get the cosplay mess back where it belongs and out of the rest of the house. I have been pinning a lot of organizing ideas and watching a lot of other YouTuber’s videos on their tips and style to get a better understanding of what will work for me.


I am sad to admit that I have completely abandoned my planner in the fray of things over the last month. It is so obvious to me how much more on top of things I was when I was doing my best to make time for things rather than just living on a whim. I’m really working hard to get back into the habit of using it. I only missed about a month which doesn’t put me too far down the path of no return.


Cosplay Control

Here it is. The big one. I have put a lot of thoughts into this, and I have made a few decisions of changing my approach to cosplay. This is what is changing;

  • No more announced cosplans. I think it’s too stressful for me. All it does is make me feel like a disappointment when I don’t get something done, so until I figure out for sure that something is going to work out I won’t be announcing that I’m for sure doing anything.
  • No more half-assing it. Too many times I end up disappointing myself because I rushed through something instead of doing it right. That hasn’t been the case as much this year, but it definitely still happens. If a costume isn’t done then I’m not rushing to get it done in unreasonable amounts of time. Guess what? I have at least 10 other costumes. I will deal.
  • No more little league. I have some projects that I’m in the middle of right now, and plan on finishing. After that, I plan on upping my game. I’ll be focusing on more heavy designs that will probably take longer to finish, but be more gratifying in the end.
  • No more cosplaying for others. This is going to sound super selfish, but it is MY HOBBY afterall. I feel like lately I have been cosplaying for other people, and not for myself. I do not plan on continuing down this path. I will cosplay characters that I feel passionate about, and if people have a problem with it then too bad, so sad.

Hopefully, you’re as excited as I am for these changes. Honestly though, I’m doing this for me, and not for anyone else. I’m already feeling better having written this. Thanks for reading if you’ve made it this far.

How do you manage stress? Do you have any other tips for someone in my position? Are you feeling somewhat overwhelmed, and need some advice? Leave a comment below, and don’t forget to subscribe via email or Bloglovin’ to never miss a post!



Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

Lydia Dicksonreply
May 17, 2016 at 3:43 pm

This sounds so so healthy and good for you! I’m glad you started thinking about cosplays as something worth doing just for yourself and on your own terms. I know you had a lot on your plate and some great goals, but being overwhelmed mentally by it all can be heartbreaking and it’s better to do what makes you happy. Hang in there and good luck getting back into using your planner. I know how hard that can be sometimes. But if it seems like too much just fill in a week and come back to it in a couple days to keep working at getting it back on track, that way it’s less intimidating. <3

May 18, 2016 at 12:30 pm
– In reply to: Lydia Dickson

Thanks Lydia. We don’t talk super often, but I feel like you always give great advice. I’m hangin. It’s already looking up from the beginning of this week when I wrote this post.

May 17, 2016 at 6:20 pm

I loved this Sadie! I can relate on so many levels and might be doing the same (minus the cosplay). Good luck! And thanks for the post 🙂

May 18, 2016 at 12:31 pm
– In reply to: Kisha

Anytime. It’s always nice to have someone to relate to on things like these. Makes you feel like you’re a little more human and a little less crazy.

I hope all is well. Miss you!

Jessica (aka The Nifty Nerd)reply
May 17, 2016 at 10:13 pm

Hahaha. This SO describes the way my cosplans go. On top of a full time job I’ve got friends, kids, wedding planning, etc….and we still live in apartment so my craft room is the kitchen table >.< Talk about messes. Needless to say, I have 5 projects that "have been started" but haven't really been worked on in a year now. Lol.

May 18, 2016 at 12:29 pm
– In reply to: Jessica (aka The Nifty Nerd)

Pretty much. If you ever want someone to chat with about any of it give me a shout out! I FEEL YOU.

May 18, 2016 at 5:03 am

I struggle with stress a lot. I also struggle with the trying to make people happy thing which if I fail I’m hiding in a corner somewhere crying. I try to stay busy or find some distraction that can keep me busy when feeling stressed. Probably the opposite of what everyone else does.

May 18, 2016 at 12:27 pm
– In reply to: Zombiiee

I think this is a good approach. If I’m stressed, and I watch TV or veg out I tend to just get more stressed because it’s all I can think about.

May 18, 2016 at 1:25 pm

Hey, Sadie. I think you have a great handle on things. One thing I do to handle stress is set in stone time for certain things- church, dinner with my kids, staying in touch with my dad. That keeps my mind on what is really important. If the dishes have to wait, fine. If I can’t get the yard today- well, it’s not going anywhere. As you said, I already have outfits to use, and I treat them as an ongoing work in progress. When I met you at Heroes Con I had my Jndy gear. Now, the boots, pants, shirt, jacket, holster, pistol, whip and the hat are all different! The only things left from that first version is the bag, the pants belt, gun belt and the props. It’s fun to keep trying to improve what I already have- maybe new materials, or a warm weather and cold weather version, etc.
So have some things that are guaranteed to get the time it should, then treat every cosplay as a never ending work in progress. You’re an amazing cosplayer, and I hope to see you again at Heroes.

May 18, 2016 at 7:05 pm
– In reply to: JOHN

Thanks John! I hope to see you at Heroes again as well. I will be there on Saturday.

Star Wars United Way Campaign – Sadie by Designreply
May 26, 2016 at 4:17 pm

[…] Cosplay Control […]

Fabric Notebook – Sadie by Designreply
July 11, 2016 at 12:58 pm

[…] you read my most recent post about getting my cosplaying under control then you may know that I feel my life lacks a little organization. Ok, it lacks a lot of […]

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