Announcing Selfie Sunday

While I enjoy being the face in front of the camera, I want to be more to the world than just another pretty face. Recently, I have discovered how fun it is to partake in the Instagram days of the week such as #MCM or #TBT. I want to share a little tidbit of myself with you guys from time to time, so I am declaring Sunday blogs as Selfie Sundays. Each week I’ll just be sharing 5-10 fun facts about myself, and *shocking* probably post some sort of selfie to go along with it.

That being said… here is the first go round:


  1. My favorite color is hot pink.
  2. When I was little, my mom could put The Last Unicorn on repeat for hours and not worry about me because I’d be glued to the TV. The Lady Amalthea is a dream cosplay.
  3. I have a lot of pet peeves, but the one that probably gets to me the most is when people don’t put their shopping carts away.
  4. I prefer gold to silver jewelry.
  5. I was one of 3 girls on FIRST Robotics Team 135 in high school.
  6. I have a cat. Her name is Lyra because she likes to sing. Truth.
  7. Roller Coasters are the BOMB because they terrify me. My favorite is the Millennium Force.
  8. My first “car” was a pickup truck. My dad wouldn’t paint it pink.
  9. When I get bored with my look I generally change my hairstyle.
  10. High heels are more comfortable than flats to me because I have unnaturally high arches in my feet.

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1 Comment

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Jessica (aka The Nifty Nerd)reply
February 27, 2015 at 2:12 pm

What a cute weekly post idea!
For the record, I too adore The Last Unicorn!

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