Tag / Vacation

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  • Exploring the Old City

    After our Game of Thrones tour of the old city we went to grab a bite to eat, and followed up by exploring  more of inside city walls. The tour is great for getting…

  • Game of Thrones Tour

    Remember when I explained why I initially was convinced to go on this trip? Yeah, so I’m a huge game of thrones nerd. I’m definitely more of a fan of the show.…

  • A Night Above Dubrovnik

    Let’s be real. Jetlag is a real thing, but in all seriousness I don’t think it hit me until we got back. When we first arrived in Dubrovnik we had been travelling…

  • Croatia Blog Series

    I kind of already hinted that I would be doing a blog series on my recent vacation in my update post a few weeks ago. I’m excited to officially be kicking off…

  • Update: Vacation, Cosplay, and Life in General

    I’ve taken a much needed break from blogging recently. Maybe you’ve been wondering what I’ve been up to instead of blogging? The answer is a little bit of everything. I have so…